How your mental health reaps the benefits of a healthy active lifestyle?


What does Mental Health mean to you?

Well, for me it means bringing awareness to one of the most neglected health problems in the world. The lack of Insurance coverage and finding the right mental health professional is still a struggle for many. Not to mention the stigma of talking about it openly is still a thing of the present. 

I've shared my struggles with my mental health before. Still, to date, there's a discomfort in sharing for fear of being judged or labeled. But, I've come to realize that sharing is a way of helping someone else get the courage to share and get the help that they need.

Short story: So a few weeks ago I was having a conversation with a client who has been having some serious health issues for the last few months. After about 1 hour in the conversation, I told her she may be depressed (because I've been there and know the signs). I'm no doctor so I referred her to a list of therapists I had on hand.

Surprisingly, she called me last week with excitement in her voice to share that she went to see a doctor and he told her she has the signs and symptoms of depression and might actually need medication. She was excited that finally, she knows what's going on with her and that her Fitness Coach was right on the button. I'm so happy to have played a small part in helping her get to that point. Sometimes, one doesn’t realize they are depressed until it’s too late.

One of the things I've been doing is encouraging her to go outside and walk even for 5 minutes. My role as a coach is to help people heal from their trauma through movement. I've used running as a form of stress and anxiety relief over the years. I do believe exercise is the cheapest form of medicine. 

US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health says:

"Exercise improves mental health by reducing anxiety, depression, and negative mood and by improving self-esteem and cognitive function. Exercise has also been found to alleviate symptoms such as low self-esteem and social withdrawal."

If you're looking to start working out today, reach out and let's start getting you moving. I'm no doctor, but I can help you MOVE physically so you can improve mentally.

Grab a Fitness Consultation with me today!

Joy Francis